TeleHealth & Online Lifestyle Coaching
1-on-1 consultations with Dr. Liebenson or Dr. Wang
Schedule an appointment with Dr. Liebenson or Dr. Wang right now via Zoom.
Service: Rehabilitation, Training, Coaching & Lifestyle Consultations for promoting resilient, sustainable activities you value.
Training, Coaching & Lifestyle Consultations
Training, Coaching or Lifestyle Consultations will include a thorough Needs Analysis and advice about self-care & programming.
Initial consultations will include a written recap & supportive information.
“I’ve been watching your tele-sessions with patients and I love how you handle it with great communication. Not just “what” you say buy “how” you say it. Think about it like a singer... Two people may be singing the same lyrics, but is the interpretation what can fire up our emotions when we listen. If we are aware of this “language and interpretation as an artist” in our practice, that could make all the difference.”
– Belen Bowles, PT Bolivia
“I’m surprised, it was actually more personal than face to face.”
– London patient
Podcast: Elite Cricketer's Experience w/ TeleHealth
Elite cricketer Baxter Holt was scheduled for spine surgery, but sought a final opinion via a Telehealth appointment. In this episode, Professor Peter O’Sullivan interviews Baxter to identify his experiences, worries and concerns relating to the use of Telehealth.
Set up Your Consultation
Meet with Dr. Liebenson or Dr. Wang from anywhere.
1. Go to our Jane appointment scheduler. Select the first available appointment with Dr. Liebenson or Dr. Wang, to get you in the system.
2. It will prompt you to fill out an initial Needs Analysis (2 forms)
3. Email - or when the forms are completed, providing:
your cell phone number, &
indicating if you'd like an appointment as soon as possible
4. We will review the paperwork & help you to find an open time slot for your initial 90 minute TeleHealth/Lifestyle Coaching evaluation.
Dr. Liebenson
$450 for the initial consultation (90 min)
$225 for follow-ups (45 min).
Dr. Wang
$350 for the initial consultation (70-90 min)
$200 for follow-ups (45 min)
Non-refundable, pre-payment is required for consultations. This is full and final payment and no refund will be given unless cancelled a minimum of 24 hours before.